Groundwater Resource Management
CA RICH provides the full spectrum of groundwater services. The Firm routinely conceptualizes, designs, and implements groundwater contamination remedial cleanup systems. Technical approaches may include pump-and-treat systems, air sparging systems, groundwater/soil vapor extraction systems, in-situ Chemical Oxidation or monitored natural attenuation. CA RICH offers its clients services to minimize lines of communication and optimize cost-efficiencies.
- Water demand (safe yield) determinations
- Groundwater exploration & development programs, watershed/basin hydrologic budget evaluations, aquifer mapping, well siting, water well design & rehabilitation, and new water sources, water resource management and permitting-agency coordination
- Monitoring well design, installation, contractor management, sampling & analyses
- Emerging Contaminant (PFAS, 1,4-Dioxane) sampling & analysis;
- Hydrogeological Studies
- RCRA Compliance Monitoring, Waste Management, and TSD investigatory activities
- CERCLA (Superfund) Compliance
- Groundwater Monitoring Sampling Plans
- Database recordkeeping, reporting, statistical trend analyses, long-term evaluations
- Water-well interference effects, groundwater/surface water interrelationships, diversion permits
- Well field groundwater capture zone definition and modeling
- Water District regulatory compliance and audit reports
- Computer Modeling: MODFLOW, MT3D, MOC, THWELLS, Quickflow, WHPA