Air Quality Testing Services

Air Quality Testing Services


An owner of a shopping center hired CA RICH to investigate conditions as part of property transaction due diligence. Organic solvent contamination was revealed in the soil, soil vapor, and groundwater beneath an existing building. CA RICH used a conventional cleanup technology; soil vapor extraction (SVE), to address the problem.


CA RICH installed an SVE system consisting of vapor extraction vents, a blower, and carbon treatment. The system operated for six months. Contaminants decreased to below State standards allowing for removal of the SVE system. As a precaution, an ‘energy efficient’ sub-slab depressurization (SSD) system was added to ensure the continued quality of indoor air. The SSD system remains in operation, along with a program of annual monitoring and inspection.

NYSDEC is issuing a Record of Decision (ROD). As part of CA RICH’s ongoing services, we are petitioning the State to change the site’s Classification from Class 2 (significant threat to public health) to Class 4 (properly Closed but requires continued site management consisting of operation, maintenance and/or monitoring).